lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

tratamiento capilar

Te mando el enlace de un nuevo tratamiento capilar, tal vez te funcione mejor de lo que imaginas, lo puedes encontrar en, no te digo más para no condicionarte, es cuestión de que lo pruebes, no obstante lo están promocionando y comprando cualquier cosa de la web te mandan una muestra de jabón capilar, además han fabricado la loción, pero yo entiendo que primero tienes que probarlo.
Un saludo.

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012


Greetings !
Please, may you receive this letter with peace of mind and with due respect as it may be
very strange to you since we have not communicated or know each other before.I am looking
for your cooperation in building a Tourist Hotel or Real Estate or to invest into any other
business you can advise me in Your country. I am sorry if this is not in line with your
business. I need your assistance to help me set up, develop the project with $5 Milion
American dollars, which I inherited from my late father. On the resumption of the project,

you will be made a Director for the role and the assistance you rendered.
You will also be entitled to a percentage agreed upon between me and you before the
commencement of the project. Your immediate reply will be highly appreciated and I shall
give you more information on this project. I will be very happy to receive your acceptance
reply to help me to accomplish this plan to come to your country with my junior brother to
further our educations while you will be managing the investments on our behalf. Please
kindly help us for the sake of God and humanity. We are anxiously
waiting for your acceptance reply to help us out.
Remain blessed!
Miss Stella Makasin.

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

JUST ANNOUNCED: Most backlinks have ZERO value

Fellow Marketer,

When it comes to SEO, you’ve been lied to my friend.

You’ve been told that rankings are all about backlinks. Well, that’s not entirely true.

Let me ask you this; how valuable do you think a link to your website is… if Google never sees it? Not very valuable at all, right?

Your links need to be visible…

Your Links Need To Jump Out And Scream “Look At Me!”

And the only surefire way for this to happen is by INDEXING your backlinks.

Indexing is basically having your links registered in Google’s database. Once this happens, all that ‘link juice’ will start filtering through to your site!

Unfortunately indexing is a pain in the butt. It’s not only expensive (once you’ve bought all the special tools you need) but it also takes a heck of a lot of time.

I don’t know about you, but my time is money. That’s why my team and developed a special tool that automates the entire process! It’s appropriately called; Google Link Indexer. You can check it out here:

The best part? It’s a cinch to use. In fact, if you can copy n paste, you can use Google Link
Indexer. That’s why it’s the tool of choice for entrepreneurs and top internet marketers all around the world.

Make sure you get in quick and test out Google Link Indexer for yourself – before the prices go up!


Speak Soon,

Charlie (CEO, Google Link Indexer)


P.S. The plan is to rise our prices in the next 10 days or so. But if you get in before then, you can lock in the current low price for as long as you hold a subscription! Sign up now at




To unsubscribe this message please click here.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012













Tablet PC 7 pollici capacitativo android 4.0 a13

a soli 99 € iva inclusa

Clicca per acquistare il tablet capacitativo low cost

Questo fantastico modello supporta:

Sistema Operativo
Un tablet pc innovativo grazie al nuovissimo sistema operativo Android 4.0 che vi farà vivere un esperienza nuova nel mondo di google.
Nuovissimo aggiornamento del sistema operativo google che rende il vostro tablet pc piu' veloce e stabile rispetto alle versioni precedenti. Il nuovo sistema operativo permette una maggiore interattività e un maggiore controllo sulle applicazioni, potrete quindi chiudere ogni applicazione aperta come se foste nell'ambiente Windows. Un tocco e l'applicazione desiderata verrà chiusa, nessuna applicazione rimarrà in sottofondo grazie alle nuove funzionalità di android 4.0.

Questo nuovo Tablet PC e' dotato di display da 7 pollici IPS , donerà ai giochi 3d una definizione mai vista e sempre grazie ad esso i film saranno come goderseli sul vostro televisore di casa.Non solo due punti di interattività, il che faciliterà l'esperienza di gioco o editing. Un display ampio, luminoso e di grande sensibilità che vi permetterà di eseguire ogni task al meglio.


Processore e Memoria
Tablet Pc dotato processore CortexA13 da 1GHZ, memoria 512mb di ram, memoria flash da ben 4GB!
Il processore Cortex permette al sistema operativo di viaggiare al massimo della velocità in ogni situazione, che sia gioco o internet. Un processore che messo in combinazione con le capienti ram da 1GB non faranno mai rallentare il vostro Tablet. Un tablet che grazie alle sue componenti tecniche si rivelerà un perfetto compagno di gioco, lavoro e divertimento per tutta la famiglia.


Supporto a reti wifi permetteranno navigazioni veloci e sicure, senza stress nella ricerca di IP o configurazioni professionali. Impostazioni facili da configurare, due click e si è già nel mondo di internet, delle chat e dell'android market, collegamenti veloci che permetteranno di scaricare film, applicazioni e documenti in un batter d'occhio.
E se le reti wifi non vi bastassero, le reti 3G arriveranno in soccorso permettendovi di navigare in quel mare che e' internet senza problemi, basta collegare una chiavetta usb 3G (Huawei E1750). Wifi e 3G senza limiti, ma tramite adattatore RJ-USB potrete collegare il vostro tablet direttamente alla vostra linea LAN domestica/Ufficio.


Acceleratore Grafico
Se siete appassionati di videogiochi come Samurai Vengeance ed altri top seller 3D, questo Tablet fara' la vostra gioia grazie all'acceleratore grafico 3D , potenza e versatilita' in un unico prodotto. Giocare nei tempi morti è sempre un passatempo che ha accompagnato grandi e piccoli fino ad oggi, grazie all'acceleratore integrato non rimarrete mai annoiati.


                          acquista subito


Per ulteriori informazioni contattaci al: (+39) 0345-56101 oppure inviaci una Email oppure consulta il nostro sito

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sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

Immunage a 74 Euro Risparmia 15 Euro

Immunage 60 bustine Offerta Farmajet
ImmunAge Papaya Fermentata in Polvere 60 bustine da 3 g - Named
a 74 Euro risparmia 15 euro clicca sul link per acquistare
ImmunAge Papaya Fermentata in Polvere 60 bustine da 3 g - Named

Dettagli prodotto
Immun’Âge® (FPP® - Fermented Papaya Preparation) è un integratore alimentare giapponese ottenuto da Carica Papaya sottoposta ad un processo tecnologicamente avanzato di bio-fermentazione della durata di 10 mesi, unico e brevettato, che conferisce al prodotto qualità antiossidanti ed immunomodulanti uniche.
Grazie a questo lungo processo di bio-fermentazione si ottengono nuovi componenti che non si limitano ad agire da “spazzini” di radicali liberi ma ottimizzano anche le funzioni del sistema antiossidante endogeno dell’organismo, proteggendo le membrane cellulari e il DNA dallo stress ossidativo.
L’assunzione costante e ricorrente di Immun’Âge® (cicli da due mesi – 1 bustina da 3 g. al dì) consente di affrontare con vitalità ed entusiasmo i ritmi frenetici del quotidiano; Immun’Âge® si è caratterizzato nel tempo come ottimo “tonico” per il fisico e per la mente e ciò ha favorito la sua crescente diffusione.
E’ particolarmente indicato per persone sottoposte ad intenso stress professionale, per anziani che iniziano a sentire il peso degli anni, per chi ha difficoltà di memoria o soffre di stanchezza cronica e per chiunque voglia attuare una prevenzione influenzale; può essere inoltre utilizzato anche dai bambini, soprattutto nel corso di periodi delicati quali il “cambio di stagione” e l’inizio delle scuole.
Immun’Âge® è l’unico testato scientificamente in tutto il mondo.
Immun’Age è l’unico coadiuvante prescritto anche da medici in caso di patologie severe quali Morbo di Parkinson, Malattia di Alzheimer, Aids ecc.
Le numerose testimonianze positive che riceviamo quotidianamente ne confermano l’efficacia.
Immun’Âge® non presenta controindicazioni, né interazioni con farmaci.
Se si desidera non ricevere più comunicazioni, fare clic sul collegamento " Annullamento iscrizione" per cancellare il proprio profilo.

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

Recordatorio: Jose David Bello te ha invitado a unirte a Facebook...

Jose David Bello quiere ser tu amigo(a) en Facebook. Aunque estés de tu familia y amigos, con Facebook puedes seguir en contacto.
Otras personas han solicitado ser tu amigo(a) en Facebook. Acepta esta invitación para ver tus solicitudes de amistad anteriores.
Jose David Bello
UCV VE · Petare, Sucre, Venezuela
1599 amigos · 3 notas
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Facebook, Inc. Attention: Department 415 P.O Box 10005 Palo Alto CA 94303

martes, 26 de junio de 2012


Hi Again,

It's a 3-way link swap with your website I'll give you two links in exchange for one from you.

3-way linking is a very effective link building strategy. Since you're getting the links from third party websites, they appear totally natural to search engines. Such inbound links help your website rank higher in Google and other search engines.

Visit to submit your website.

Ellie Goulding

Founder & CEO, TwinLinks

From: ''
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2012 6:41 PM
To: Ellie Goulding []
Subject: RE:

Can you tell me more about your 3way linking program?


From: Ellie Goulding []
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 3:27 PM
To: ''


I was surfing through your website and checked it for a few keywords on Google. Unfortunately, it was not ranking well on any of those.

As per the trends in your industry � over 80% of people search for your products/services online and buy the same. These rankings also influence other channels of sales as well.

In the current online market scenario, SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the popular services that are required for any online business. We are a leading SEO Service provider have team of 80+ professionals and 1800 sites optimized. We are providing top ranking in the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo within 4-6 months.

There is a simple equation that is applicable to the online Business world.

Ethical SEO -> Better Traffic ->Higher Sales.

Just wondering, if you would be interested in getting the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) done for your website and improving the position of your website for the key terms your clients would be using to search your services. In case you require any additional information, it shall be our pleasure to furnish the same. No obligations.

We have special offer in this season.

Do let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to give you details about our offer.

Kinds & Regards,

martes, 12 de junio de 2012


Hi Again,

It's a 3-way link swap with your website I'll give you two links in exchange for one from you.

3-way linking is a very effective link building strategy. Since you're getting the links from third party websites, they appear totally natural to search engines. Such inbound links help your website rank higher in Google and other search engines.

Visit to submit your website.

Jenna Morgan

Founder & CEO, TwinLinks

From: ''
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2012 6:41 PM
To: Jenna Morgan []
Subject: RE:

Can you tell me more about your 3way linking program?


From: Jenna Morgan []
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 3:27 PM
To: ''


I was surfing through your website and checked it for a few keywords on Google. Unfortunately, it was not ranking well on any of those.

As per the trends in your industry � over 80% of people search for your products/services online and buy the same. These rankings also influence other channels of sales as well.

In the current online market scenario, SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the popular services that are required for any online business. We are a leading SEO Service provider have team of 80+ professionals and 1800 sites optimized. We are providing top ranking in the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo within 4-6 months.

There is a simple equation that is applicable to the online Business world.

Ethical SEO -> Better Traffic ->Higher Sales.

Just wondering, if you would be interested in getting the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) done for your website and improving the position of your website for the key terms your clients would be using to search your services. In case you require any additional information, it shall be our pleasure to furnish the same. No obligations.

We have special offer in this season.

Do let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to give you details about our offer.

Kinds & Regards,

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012


Hi Again,

It's a 3-way link swap with your website I'll give you two links in exchange for one from you.

3-way linking is a very effective link building strategy. Since you're getting the links from third party websites, they appear totally natural to search engines. Such inbound links help your website rank higher in Google and other search engines.

Visit to submit your website.

Gloria Mathis

Founder & CEO, TwinLinks

From: ''
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2012 6:41 PM
To: Gloria Mathis []
Subject: RE:

Can you tell me more about your 3way linking program?


From: Gloria Mathis []
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 3:27 PM
To: ''


I was surfing through your website and checked it for a few keywords on Google. Unfortunately, it was not ranking well on any of those.

As per the trends in your industry � over 80% of people search for your products/services online and buy the same. These rankings also influence other channels of sales as well.

In the current online market scenario, SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the popular services that are required for any online business. We are a leading SEO Service provider have team of 80+ professionals and 1800 sites optimized. We are providing top ranking in the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo within 4-6 months.

There is a simple equation that is applicable to the online Business world.

Ethical SEO -> Better Traffic ->Higher Sales.

Just wondering, if you would be interested in getting the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) done for your website and improving the position of your website for the key terms your clients would be using to search your services. In case you require any additional information, it shall be our pleasure to furnish the same. No obligations.

We have special offer in this season.

Do let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to give you details about our offer.

Kinds & Regards,

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012


Hi Again,

It's a 3-way link swap with your website I'll give you two links in exchange for one from you.

3-way linking is a very effective link building strategy. Since you're getting the links from third party websites, they appear totally natural to search engines. Such inbound links help your website rank higher in Google and other search engines.

Visit to submit your website.

Gloria Mathis

Founder & CEO, TwinLinks

From: ''
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2012 6:41 PM
To: Gloria Mathis []
Subject: RE:

Can you tell me more about your 3way linking program?


From: Gloria Mathis []
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 3:27 PM
To: ''


I was surfing through your website and checked it for a few keywords on Google. Unfortunately, it was not ranking well on any of those.

As per the trends in your industry � over 80% of people search for your products/services online and buy the same. These rankings also influence other channels of sales as well.

In the current online market scenario, SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the popular services that are required for any online business. We are a leading SEO Service provider have team of 80+ professionals and 1800 sites optimized. We are providing top ranking in the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo within 4-6 months.

There is a simple equation that is applicable to the online Business world.

Ethical SEO -> Better Traffic ->Higher Sales.

Just wondering, if you would be interested in getting the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) done for your website and improving the position of your website for the key terms your clients would be using to search your services. In case you require any additional information, it shall be our pleasure to furnish the same. No obligations.

We have special offer in this season.

Do let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to give you details about our offer.

Kinds & Regards,

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012


Hi Again,

It's a 3-way link swap with your website I'll give you two links in exchange for one from you.

3-way linking is a very effective link building strategy. Since you're getting the links from third party websites, they appear totally natural to search engines. Such inbound links help your website rank higher in Google and other search engines.

Visit to submit your website.

Jessica Smith

Founder & CEO, TwinLinks

From: ''
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2012 6:41 PM
To: Jessica Smith []
Subject: RE:

Can you tell me more about your 3way linking program?


From: Jessica Smith []
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 3:27 PM
To: ''


I was surfing through your website and checked it for a few keywords on Google. Unfortunately, it was not ranking well on any of those.

As per the trends in your industry � over 80% of people search for your products/services online and buy the same. These rankings also influence other channels of sales as well.

In the current online market scenario, SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the popular services that are required for any online business. We are a leading SEO Service provider have team of 80+ professionals and 1800 sites optimized. We are providing top ranking in the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo within 4-6 months.

There is a simple equation that is applicable to the online Business world.

Ethical SEO -> Better Traffic ->Higher Sales.

Just wondering, if you would be interested in getting the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) done for your website and improving the position of your website for the key terms your clients would be using to search your services. In case you require any additional information, it shall be our pleasure to furnish the same. No obligations.

We have special offer in this season.

Do let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to give you details about our offer.

Kinds & Regards,

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012



Let's do a 3-way link swap with your website I'll give you two links in exchange for one from you.

3-way linking is a very effective link building strategy. Since you're getting the links from third party websites, they appear
totally natural to search engines. Such inbound links help your website rank higher in Google and other search

Visit to submit your website and please don't hesitate to email me with any of your questions or comments.

Rita Williams

3way Linking Inc.

martes, 17 de enero de 2012


Let's do a 3-way link swap with your website I'll give you two links in exchange for one from you.

3-way linking is a very effective link building strategy. Since you're getting the links from third party websites, they appear
totally natural to search engines. Such inbound links help your website rank higher in Google and other search

Visit to submit your website.

Rebecca Wilson

Founder & CEO, TwinLinx