tgb6yhn4rfv Saline- rins-es have been used .fo'r many years+. Now yo_u can all-eviate nasal irri'tation caus+ed by *dust The pain o-f ar_thritis can b.e so pa,inful that _it can keep a p+erson fro+m walking, & ge.tting out of 'bed. Vita.mins _& minerals are su_bstanc*es that are fou-nd in food.s w'e eat. They''re essential* of ou_r health! 1 of the' most *common si*de eff'ects of an'tibiotics is yea-st overg.rowth. B*e careful & _consult, doctors! Even chi_ld-ren can exper-ience cholester+ol prob_lems. Mak*e sur.e you know what to_ do in this. case. Ha+ve 'a look at our pr*ice list'! You will be -s,urprised with t.he prices 'and the qualit'y of ,the produ.cts! All .types of alco,hol increas,e choles.terol. So- if you have pr-oblems with, weight- drink les_s alcohol!_ Today when+ obesity i*s on the r-ise thro_ughout the -world_ you should be. attenti.ve to what. you eat. The co_lorless -season of c'old and +wind is comin-g! Make, sure- you are ready ,to face y.our depres-sion! Most ,patients. are pre,scribed ant,ibiotics wit-hout the do+ctor kn+owing the' cause of* the infecti-on. As you g_et olde_r your chol*esterol_ level increases as, well. Le'arn how t*o c*ontrol it with,out efforts! +Colds, i*nfluenza a*nd coug,hs are cause'd by v*iruses not bacteri'a,_ so antibiotics- will not help+. At what+ age- do you s*uppose to lose *your sexual' power a*nd sta,rt your ne_ver-ending strugg*le? This of'fer will c-h,ange your whole lif'e! +It will bring. harmony an,d sex 'into your fami,ly life! ,Exercis-ing in dry, cold+ air m+ay be 'a trigger for as'thma in peopl*e. Take c'are' of your hea+lth! Rapid oxy+gen admi,nistr_ation can preven,t asthma--related dea+ths.* Make sure you -are well_ prepared! Th_ey say impote,nce* is a punishm-ent f+or wrong deed.s men do. To te.ll you the' t.ruth it's a st+upid idea! Some+ heal'th cen,tres offer m+en's-specific h+ealth_ checks, but t*hey a_re not popular e+nough. Whil_e ast'hma sym_ptoms can begi.n at any age, m-o'st children have+ their firs't symptoms- by 5,. When you ea,t more+ calories than y_our body c+an consu+me you sta.rt growin'g fat or_ become obese.+ When pain. becomes pa-rt o.f your life what, you r+eally ne-ed is a powerful -pain. killer, be+lieve me! Inf_lamm-ation, or swelli-ng, of the *lini,ng of the airwa'ysis observed- in pe'ople w,ho have asth_ma. Ere'ctions occur du+ring normal_, night*ly sleeping.- These erect+ions+ are not rel,ated to erotic .dreams. - Although yo'u may wan_t to help_ your c'hild get we,ll, antibioti_cs do n_o good for vira+l infe'ctions. ,We all know +that butter_, ice cream,' a*nd fatty meats r.aise cho+lesterol'. So how. do you sol*ve it? More a.nd more_ bacteria g'et resis-tant to most +innovativ+e antibiotic.* Will p-harmacists f,ind a solu.tion? .Most bronchial. asthma attac+ks *are caused. by hyper-sensit.ivity. of the victims+ to *air-borne partic,les._ What is yo'ur most trusted wa'y to imp.rove. your sexual .performance? B'eli.eve me, it can_ be im-proved! If gradu+ally inc-rease the am_ount you _exercise you _proba-bly wil_l cope with' obesity, in 10-*15 'years.. Bro*nchial asthma' is s'imply any -asthma that is asso+ciated -with the bro,nchi. ,It's no t+ime to panic. P*eople in'vented the' 1st an-tibiotic acc+identally.+ Discovered it, in. a mold cultur,e & called+ it penici'llin. Ho.w long have- you been e_xperiencing+ that .pain? It's t+ime to sto'p this *meaningless suff+erin+g! If you've bee-n diag+nosed as bei+ng at risk f'or high c_holestero*l, a*dhere to doct+or's recomme+ndations. Our *most popu-lar. pharmacy *products are- sold out at- unbelievable 'pr*ices! Hur*ry up! Your potency_ *have never been t_hat high! A'nd you will* *not see it 'if you don't +use this gr'eat moment! T'here're- 2 types* of cholesterol:+ "bad" 'cause.s deposits_ in the arteries, -& "good" .pro'tects agai+nst it. If yo+u have* a family history' of heart d,isea+se you need to m.ake_ bigger ch_anges to lowe.r choles+terol. Replacing _just 1 *incandescent_ bulb wit-h an en,ergy saving -bulb .reduces air, emissions up t*o 120 kg. Yo,u can dete,ct p'eople with* high chole_sterol by* extra weig,ht, heavy br_eathing & h'ung*ry look. With.out vitamins ou,r cells wou,ld not fu+nctio.n properly+ and we' would no l.onger be able to *survi-ve. Immunoth_erapy ult*imately wo'rks in up to 9+0% o*f people wit.h seasonal alle_rgic rhi-nit_is. Each year peo-ple spend h_uge ,money on diet co,nsultants,* books a*nd p+ills, but o,nly few lose+ weight. Obe.sity increase.s +your risk of d_eveloping hi'gh blood +pressu*re & cancer of_ the brea*st, prostate. 'Peopl+e having- high cholestero-l ar'e at much g+reater risk' than people ,who are over*eati_ng somet+imes. Vita_min E is a wound t,reat-ing vitamin. It +is very ess,ent*ial to break up b,lood cl.ots. Learn mo*re now Wha+t trigge-rs Asthm,a? Are 'you sure yo.u have got al.l the- informat_ion about the d+isease to wi-n it? Ta,king 'a higher dose th,an recomm+ended will n.ot provide 'mor*e relief and can_ be dang_erous. Sede+ntary, way of li*fe is one of _the most popul'ar r*easons fo'r people to gain e'xtra_ weight a'nd suffer. Ask yo-ur doctor +what he' thinks about. t*he antibi,otics you take. Ma-y be you'*ll *be surprised. If -gradua,lly increase t,he a.mount you exer_cise you p-robably* will cope with o-besity, i'n 10-15 ye.ar_s.. High cho*lesterol levels i+n t-he blood strea.m are r.isk fact+ors for dang.erous cor_onary artery dise+ase. If -you live i'n a big cit-y and have' little' chil'dren you are. at risk o-f gettin+g ill with so'me allergy. Men+ aren't l-ikely t-o visit healt.h professio-nals & the.y may mi*ss chances to+ improve t'heir hea+lth. Men_ are _less likely to- visit healt.h care provi,ders & th+ey miss_ out on 'chances to prev_ent illn.ess. _How often do you c_on*sider yourself to+ be mi'serable and *lonel+y? Probably depres.sion is her'e...* Most asthmati+cs who suf+fer a n+ear fatal att+ack delay,ed seeking *trea-tment or abused -rescue- inhaler. R,ead about how _effec+tive human ,growth. hormone is on _a cost bas.is for heig,ht incre,ases. It ast*onishe,s! Impote*nce ruins more fam*ilies tha_n ad-ultery! Isn't i+t a reason t'o t,ake care o_f your sex.ual health? Many+ people who_ suffe.r from art,hritis *believe that- exercise is n-atural reli_ef' from arthritis p_ain. Most, people w.ho die from ,a severe *asthma at,tack 'delayed goin-g to the' hospital-. Be careful! 96%' of alcohol+ics commit-ing+ suicide c+ontinue their s+ubstan-ce abuse up t+o the end of t+heir li.ves. Cardiov.ascular. disease_ is a horr_ible diagnos'is. Exercise, & diet. will h,elp you prevent t_he' disorder. Of 'all medical im.pairm,ents sexual _impoten.ce in men, is the mos-t poorly explo,red one, a,t leas-t now. The good t_hing i+s that_ there are a lot o+f differe_nt pain +treat,ments med_ications tha,t can hel_p you! Maintainin-g suff.icient vit.amin D leve-ls may+ help decre'ase the risk *of severa+l autoim.mune diseases.- Chol,esterol is tr_ansmitted' by our blood a'nd c'an stick t,o the walls of* the blood* vessels. U_h, ugly! As,thma is als.o common.ly diag_nosed after -symptoms+ arise du_ring exe+rcise. Are you' okay now? One- of t_he main +roles that -B Vitamins, have in the+ body is* providing' it with the en'ergy that .it need*s. Say_ HI to long _night f-ull of sex a_nd passion! Th,is m*edication will cha_nge eve+rythi-ng! Helpless+ness & hopeless.ness are dan_gerous fo-r you.r emotional- condition'! It can lead* to depres*sion. Your .penis will *be grat*eful to y_ou fo_r your care 'and attenti_on! Try out thi-s li+ttle pill! A+sthma +treatment is a' serious ch_allenge fo,r a family', but _with the help_ of these ti*ps it'll* be ea'sier. High bloo,d pressure can. be cau+sed by be+ing obese and _over.weight. Th*ink about y+our he.alth! Mult_ivitamins provide 'some_ insurance again*st def+iciencies b*ut is l*ess import.ant than' healthy food. Ant'ibiotic,s are c_ommonly prescr*ibed for resp-ira+tory infecti+ons, but+ they are c-aused by vi*ruses. The medi_cine you. wi+ll see in t*his letter h'as saved -my marriage f'rom col*lapse! It's a-mazin+g! Knowing all the- symptoms i_s not enou-g*h to prevent' serious _depression. You sh-ould be at,t-entive! Read 'more about b,ronchial ast*hma and h-ow you* can prevent t+his condi,tion fro_m worsening. Wh'at is th'e best_ solution for you_r early 'erecti'le dysfunction t+reatmen-t? I_t's a visit+ to a pharmac_y! Any chol,esterol. level ab-ove 200 milli_grams p*er deciliter* of blood i+s considered ,borderline h'igh. In th.is_ letter you. will find+ health age'ncy's monitori+ng of obesit+y and 'related di,sease.s data. Learn _more a*bout what c_auses depress'ion be'fore it robs 'you of 'your quality of l'ife,. Hurry up! F*or mild a.nd moderate depr_ession,.regular moder+ate exe'rcise +is more eff'ective than 'medicat*ion. The d+irect and indire_ct co_sts of bronc'hial asthm_a in the Uni'ted St.ates are e,stimated to. be $1 b,illion. Wheez+ing – a littl+e squeaky n,ois+e when brea,thing out'. Do you* have it sometim-es? I*sn't it asthma?* A research .shows th,at, certain, factors_ may cau-se the ch+anges in appetit,e and fat, metabolism_. You may g_et tire'd quicker t,han everyb_ody e-lse of the same' age with' you if yo*u have asthma,. Women e-xpe+rience depres-sion about t-wice as ofte.n as men. 'May b-e it's ti.me to stop and t*hink. W.hen you* feel depresse,d and lonel+y, i_t's bette-r to have a c.up of tea & v*isit yo.ur closest frie_nds. Mo*st drugs pres.cr-ibed today to low.er cholester_ol ar-e statin drug,s. *Learn more about *the *medicine! *After ten years, t*h_e weight of the ave-rage mat+tress *doubles due to d.ust +mites and wa.ste p-articles. , Among teens, .prescript,ion medicatio+ns are the *most commo+nly .abused drugs, afte*r ma_rijuana. A 30-_year-old *woman, has colds "going +into he-r chest," ca,using co+ugh an_d difficu+lty breathing*. Some com*mon diseases *are as+sociated' with an increas-ed risk of e+recti.le dysfunc_tionin mal+es. Teenage s_uffer-ings seem *insignifican+t for adults'! But teenag_ers se+riously suffer -fr.om depressi_on. If you under+st'and that y'ou are in depr'essive c,ondition, you sho'uld .take sp-ecialized medicat,ions. Do* you know th-e di'fference between -viral and -bac'terial inf'ections? It i,s dead.ly serious to know'! 30% of' all clinical.ly depress'ed patien.ts attempt. suicide; h.alf of ,those, ultimately. die by suicide-. Hormonal, change's in wome_n often ca-use horrible+ depres.sive conditions-. Be sur'e you're prot+ected. ,Your libido *has never_ been that h,igh as w-ith th,e help of* new African her-bal me,dication! Tr'y out!, Shrimps, peanuts,, fruits or, veg.etables are +most wide sp+rea,d food alle,rgens. Eat -reasonably! If y_ou're exper-ien.cing lots of p_ain & hav'e come to -read a'bout how to g_et some relie*f, read on._ Alcohol's. *a well-know depres,sant.' Think about _that, when you try to s,ink so-rrow in_ white wine. This -brand -new hgh spra,y boo,sts natu'ral growth* hormone l'evel in th+e body. Tr_y out its amazing -effect! _How muc,h time have .you bee_n taking HG-H supplements?+ Ar,e you aware of sid-e ef-fects of th,e drug? Y,our potency wi+ll a.lways be perfect' and will su_rpr*ise your girl+friends! All +you need. is a trust+ed d+rug! High ch*olesterol l'evels in th*e blood strea*m are risk f,act'ors for dangerous. c,oronary artery dis-ease. May.be one da'y sci*entists wil.l find a c_ure for a+rthritis but- until 'then it will ca.use st-ill a lot of pai_n. - Some members 'of vi*tamin B complex _are sy_nthesized by micr'oorg'anisms in the_ intestinal t_ract. Mo_st pe'ople who +die from a sev-ere a+sthma attack dela-yed going+ to the+ hospital. ,Be careful! Er.ec_tile dysfunction is- defined a_s repeated- inabi-lity to s,ustain_ an erection for 'sexual* intercou'rse. If too much. choles,terol bu*ilds up in* your b.ody, the blood ca-nnot flow th.rou'gh to yo'ur heart. Why* should I w_orry about 'extra weight* if .I'm slim and beaut+i+ful? Obesity wi+ll never come?- Vitami,ns assist in _t-he formation o*f hormones, 'nervous*-system. chemicals, and g'enetic mater+ial. Hum-ans sh.ed two to thr_ee poun+ds of sk_in a year—*plenty of' food for tiny_ but dangerou*s dust mite.s. A *friend of mi+ne has tr_ied all the pa'inkille*rs on the m-arket an,d as so*on as new one 'is rele*ased… Your d*octor will _help y*ou compose you,r indi+vidual cholester'ol *control plan. Y+ou should .believe!' The body gener+al'ly makes all* the cholest*erol it needs. .So w,e should p'ay attention to- all ou*r food! Satur.at,ed fat and cho_lesterol i*n the -food you eat ,make your blo+od c,holesterol lev+el go u_p!!! Are y-ou sure that doct*ors ,will help' you when your_ penis will. need some ex+tra at+tention?, I'm not… In. Ontari,o, when yo-u're born you hav'e a 40%_ cha+nce of developing a,st.hma before the a,ge of 4_0. Benefit of, trying ou't alternativ_e therapie*s _is that you m.ay fin'd pain relief opt'ions work'ing f-or you. If you ar'e not _satisfied. with your weig.ht remem.ber*, there're many *succe.ssful way_s to treat obesity!* Do you. suffe_r from depressio-n? Than thi's _treatment m.ethod is .for you. Try it o+ut im-mediately! Wh*at do doc,tors a.nd asthma nurses* aim for wh+en *treating asthma? -Do you* have the same 'goals?+ The new* genera-tion of painkiller_s appeared!* Th*ey work immediate+ly and ma+ke you feel_ happy! Y+our pe'ak sexual. activity is ex-actly what ,the new' German* medicati.on was meant_ for! Hurry. up! Is your a*sthma prev_enting +you from exe'rcising?+ It doesn't, have 'to! Keep on m-oving!, Children who. are ov+erweight, l-acking physi_cal ac.tivity should be t+es.ted regul_arly from early 'age. It s-eems that' I beg+an to deve.lop arthritis a+lmost_ immediately after .injury. Th,e pa_in is unbeara-ble!- Vitamins ar-e classified a.s either wat.er-,soluble or fat s*oluble. Al*l of the,m are .necessary for *you! Betwee_n 50s and. 70s, the sui+cide rate .amon'g males aged bet-ween 15 an'd 24 m'ore than_ tripled. We don+'t k_now what it means* 'to suffer from a+sthma b*ut we know how ,to ,help these peo_ple. Vitamin E+ is actual-ly an umbr+ella .term for a *group of com-pounds call-ed tocoph+erols & to,cotrieno'ls Suici.de is the .fourth leadi_ng cause o'f death for a,dults betw*een 1_8 and 6-5 years in the* U.S.A. If yo+ur family .members c_an't +boast of low chole-ste.rol level you'd b-etter ke+ep off fro'm f+ast food. Young ad_ults' also lose* body fat *and gain lean' muscle ma'ss with synt+het_ic-HGH injecti.ons. Try i_t out!- 90% of all, people who commi*t suicid,e have a d+iagnosabl_e psychiatric, dis,order or ,depression., Even secondha-nd smoke' is associate'd with an. increase_ in bronc.hitis, sinu+sitis, and. asthma. Cho'lester,ol is need_ed to pro'duce some ho*rmones and for -othe.r functions,. It's all- about b,alance! In *recent years., awaren*ess of the Ame-rican obe_sity probl_em has incre.ased. Are y+ou also a*ware? Amo'ng o.ther obesity t-reatme_nt options medicat,ions -provide combin-at+ion of result ,and safety. Tee*nager,s tend to ov-erreac_t and it +is importa,nt not to mix up. si.mple sadne'ss with serio.us illness!- Your impo'tence does-n't necessaril,y have to b-e impote*nce. What _if it's' simply s_easonal depre,ssion? 'Painkill-er addicti,on is slo,wly becoming one of+ th*e most com,mon form_s of drug ad-diction. I h,ave nev-er even imag_ined that s+imple antibio,tics will sa*ve t_he life o.f my little daug.hter. They. did. ,For older men, *the u-se of alcohol,' e'ven in small am-ounts may *inhibit' erectile capac'ity. Bewar*e! Ea.ch year,, allergies acc_ount for m_ore tha+n 17 millio_n outpatient of+fice visits., often in -spring &' fall S.elfmanag+ing asthma daily .it's i,mporta_nt to breathe_ well,- stay activ'e, & keep asthma .symptoms a_t bay. Ma+ny pe*ople believe th.at they s'hould ,put off usi-ng strong paink*illers for .as long a,s possi.ble. If th,ere're obese 'peop'le in your family. you sh.ould conside,r helpi*ng them ,with the am,azing drug! Mineral. Supplement 'W_eekend Prince _Gleevec (Im*atini-b, Glivec) bron,chitis +Ulcerativ'e Colitis amp'race Irre,gular' Periods Inv'ega [invega]- (palipe'ridone) Azor- [azor] (am-lodipine, ,olmesarta*n) meprate* V-Gel Antie+piletic ,Autoimm.une Hepati,tis Heartz (Large+ Dogs-) — Pets, Hea,rtworm, Hook-worms, R.oundw,orms enur-esis Psychotic Diso'rde_rs Capsulit,is Atenolol '(Antipressa,n, Atenix, Te_normi-n, Atelo,l, Atendol, -Ateno, Ate+nogamma, ,Atereal, Betac+ard,+ Blokium, Cateno*l, Coro-tenol, C.uxanorm, Hypo'ten, No_ten, Notenol, Pa_esumex, T*enolol, Ten_opress,+ Tredol) genit+al* herpes etodolac ,Zof.ran [zofran-] (ondansetro_n) Pamelor _— Dep*ression, +Nocturnal Enure_sis, Bedwettin.g Infe-rtility ce'clor In*deral — High Bloo,d Pressure., Hy-pertens'ion, Angina, A.trial Fi-brillation, Myo,cardial Infa'rct+ion, Migrain_e, Essential T-remor, *Hypert_rophic Subaortic* St.enosis, Pheochrom_ocytoma Gri_seofulvi-n [griseo-fulvin] _(gris-peg, gr+is peg,. grisevin, grifu-lvin) An,ovu'lation alda*ctone HIV Tora.dol (K,etorolac, k-etorolac tro,methamine) c-hronic rena-l fai*lure ipravent al_benda*zole Immunom+odulator -sleepwell L-iver Cirrh-osis Co-Diovan_ (diovan, ,valsarta*n, hydroc,hloroth*iazide)* Clarinex [c.larinex] (De_sloratadine, N-eoClari*tyn, Claramax., Aerius-) Ty'lenol (Paraceta,mol, Acetami+nophen, pa*in, anacin)+ Nor_vasc [norvas_c] ( Amlodi*pine, Dailyvas_c, Isti_n, Perivas.c) Fosama,x (Alendroni_c acid, _Alendronate so'dium) + Combi*vent (Ipratrop+ium/salbut*amol)_ diclomax retard *Supe-r Active ED, Pack [superacti-vepack]- (via*gra, ciali,s, sildenafil, ta_dalafil)+ phenoti_l panadol extra .Sin_emet — Pa-rkinson's Diseas,e ind,eral Glyburi+de (Gliben*clamide, Daon_il, D,iaben, Amecl*adin, Apo+-Glibenclamide,, Be,nclamin, Betan*ase, Bet'anese, ,Bevoren, Calab+ren, Clamide,' Daono, Debt-an, Diabit*or, Dibele-t, Eucla,min., Euglotab, Eug_lucan, Eugl,ucon, Eug,lusid, G*ilemal, Gli-ban, Gl+ibedal, Glibe*n, Glibencla.mid, Gl) -Lyme Disease c-yston+e Diltiaz'em HCL (-Cardizem,_ Altiazem, Ti'amate, T'ildiem, Adizem, .Via*zem, Dilatam, D.ilzem, Zan-dil, Zem+trial, Diltelan)' diet max+x Sel+egiline [seleg+iline] _(Eldepryl, E+msam_, Zelapar) a_stropan atopex Co'mpazi_ne (Prochlor+perazine+, Stemzi'ne, Buccast_em, Ste+metil, Phen+otil, Compro) d.ostinex ecze'ma alert- caps (slee-p & .relaxation aid) c*lofazimine -Pain c_ystinuria *ursodiol zab+el *Inflammation Petc*am (Metac,am) Oral+ Suspension (me,l.oxicam, metacam) * Antich*olinergic, Motrin [motri*n] (Ibup_rofen,, Advil, Anadin_ Ibuprofen, +Arthro.fen, Brufen, B,rufen Ret'ard, Cuprofe-n, F-enbid, G*alprofen, Hedex -Ibuprofen, Ib_ufem, Libr-of_em, Mandafen+, Manorfen, M+igrafen, N*urofen, Obif_en, Re*lcofen,_ pain) Ale-sse (Ovra*l L) Zyvox (Li,nezolid) Ur.ticaria Cap+topril. (capoten) Trent-al — P_eripheral V_ascul*ar Disease, Interm.ittent .Claudica_tion, Chro-nic Occlusive +Arterial- Dise-ase dicyclo,mine Serp*ina — Hyperten_sion, High. Blood Pres_sure Pre*cose (aca.rbose, Glu_cobay, G_lucor, Rebose.) LDL Xopenex ['xop,enex] (Levosalb.utamol, leva*lbuterol, 'Levolin) I'mmune Boo'ster zala+sta +malarex metoclopra_mid,e Ofloxacin (_Floxin, Exo+cine,, Flobacin_, Floxal, Floxst.at, Nov.ecin, Of.lin, Oflo, _Oflodura, Oflox, _Taravid-, Tar'ivid, Zan'ocin) cytot.ec Nizoral —- Fungal In_fections, A,thlete's Foo,t, Or*al Thrush,* Coccidioides, ,Candiduria, *C,andidiasis, +Blastomycos.is, Histoplasm,osis, Chromo,mycosi,s, Parac-occidioidomycosi_s fu-rosemide Famili-al Me+diterran.ean Fever him+plasia Eye A'llergy VigR*X [vigrx] op*tic+ neuritis metroni*daz-ole gel Stoma.ch Acid _Prograf (Ta,crolimus, Adv'agraf, ,Protopic_) liptor noctur+ia to.xic shock s'yndrome terbi.sil g-astric reflux _lotrel of'lodura riso*fos nuzon .pronoran skin_ health Pr-o ED Pack. (Viagra Pr-ofessi-onal + Cialis, Professi'onal) '[propack] (sild.ena'fil citrate, tadala'fi'l, viagra, ci*alis) test Vig-RX ,[vigrx] cong.estive heart fa,ilure Cyk'lokap*ron [cyklo-kapron] (Tranexa_mic acid, T'ransam-in,Trans'cam, Esperci,l) vaginiti_s major de_press*ive disorder P_rednisolone (O'rap.red, Millipred,* Deltaco-rtril, Delt,astab, Pred,nesol) N*asonex [nas-onex] (-Mometasone +furoate, M_ometasone) All*ergic Rh,initis .Clarinex (Desl_orata,dine, NeoClarityn,, Cla-ramax, Aerius) .Appetite H,IV *Test — HIV, Test* E +Effexor (Venlafax+ine, Ef_exor) V+aginal Drynes_s oradex,on Corona-ry Artery Diseas+e enala,gamma RockIt24_7 folaci,n Infla*mmation .Ultram [.ultram] (Tra*madol, +Adolan, Anadol,* Contramal, tr.amadal*, Dol'ol, Dolzam, Droma,dol,_ Ixprim, Ralivia, +Tramad-ex, Tr*amal, Tridural, Z,ama-dol, Zydol, Zytr+im, pa'in, ultracet), Hepatiti_s B Allergy *Bonnisa+n Drops [bonni,sandrops]* Allegra, (Fexofe-nadin, Tel*fast, Fastofen)- Evis-ta — Os-teoporosis, Bre-ast C_ancer Risk Reducti-on Clo,zapine (Cl-ozari-l, Denzapine,' Elcrit, Le*ponex, Lozapin,- Sizo,pin, Zaponex, ,Denz,apine, Fazaclo, F*r,oidir) Ketoconazo+le Cream (n*iz,oral, Kuric) _candistat St_yplon_ — Bleedin.g, Hemorrhoi.ds, Hematuria, ant*iseptic cre*am seroxat _tredol trozet F.ML — Ey.e Inflammat*ion, Eye Sw-elling Y'ashtimadhu [_yashtimadhu], super a*ctive ed pa*ck prazosin 'ethionam_ide doxy*lin Sneezing *Pepcid (fam-otidine.) Silagra- (Sildena*fil Citrate)
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